2006 Winter Photos - Annex Demolition continued

heart warmer

Stepping inside, here we are looking toward the front entrance as the interior is gutted...(JN)
the heat is on
A couple of days later, more of the walls are gone (RS).
the walls were less than soundproof
And looking the other way from just inside the front door, these rooms are disappearing too (RS).
A few days later, the heat was off (JN). This was the first week in April.
getting to the bottom
Tearing out the exterior walls layer by layer (RS).
Meanwhile, the roof was being removed from the top (JN), along with what appears to be a top insulating layer of ice (?)
vacant stair
Okay, now things are getting serious (JN)!
dealing with the studs
Here we're into the last cube (JN).
truss me
And in a few days nothing is left except the foundations...(RS)
poker place
...and the black box. You DID notice the black box? Time at last to make it disappear too (BB).
BFK was here
Like this...(BB)
as if it never were
...and like this, as captured by one of Robert's wide angle lenses (RS).

Credits: RS is Robert Schwarz; JN is John Neame; and BB is Brien Barnett. I only used a few of Robert's photos, he has an large and excellent collection of pictures from the dome demo.

Next, the dome comms building was also made to go away as seen here.

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