2005-06 Summer Photos - Old Biomed Arch Raising continued

bottom up
The arch sections were set off to one side and kneewalls were built (I).
scattered pieces
An aerial closup view shows the shifted location of the arch. The small arch to the fuel arch was set aside temporarily (FB).
laid back
Another look at the excavated and shifted biomed arch (FB).
inside wall
The other kneewall under the moved arch (C).
pipe up
Meanwhile, the fuel lines and electrical was reworked (C).
scattered pieces
An aerial closup view shows the shifted location of the arch. The small arch to the fuel arch was set aside temporarily (FB).
laid back
Another look at the excavated and shifted biomed arch (FB).
a break
The first half of the arch is set up on the kneewalls (JM).
it's up
Both halves of the arch are on the kneewalls, here the connector to the fuel arch is still set aside (JM).
back in one piece
Another view of the arch newly on the kneewall (JM).
up lifted
Almost done, the arch builkheads are being finished, as seen here from the new station (JG).
Looking more closely at the bulkheads (I).
new and old

A closeup of the end of the raised arch next to the old dome entrance (JG).
club no med
The completed effort as seen from the main entrance arch (BB).
white wall

An inside look at the new biomed arch bulkhead (BB).

Photo credits: Jay Bollinger (JB), Brien Barnett (BB), Bill Spindler (BS), Jordan Goodman (JG), Forest Banks (FB), Jerry Marty (JM), Drew Turner (DT), Rechelle Parent (RP), Carlton Walker (C) (USAP photo library), and common drive (I) photos, many of which came from the excellent 2005-06 summer video compiled by Patrick McClure and available here (large) (small).

Head over to the new IceCube laboratory...

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