2005-06 Summer Photos - Finishing B4

east wall of the gym
As the station opened on 20 October, work continued. Here's some of the finishing work underway on the east wall.
wrapped light fixtures in preparation for painting
The light fixtures were wrapped in preparation for eventual painting.
supply ductwork
Starting the supply air ductwork.
ductwork and insulation board
More of the ductwork...and the first of the Tectum acoustic panels.
work on the south wall
Finishing work on the south wall...
work on the south wall

...and here's the other corner. This wall wouldn't get finished for quite awhile because of the temporary door and ramp in the center.
upper storage room

That upstairs storage room at the south end was getting painted.
return air damper on the north wall
Back downstairs, here is the return air damper and flashing on the north wall.
stairwell wall finishing
Out in the main hallway, the stairway wall finishing was continuing.
stairwell wall finishing

Another view of the stairwell from the first floor.
gym lobby
The other side of the curved wall; we're looking from the gym entrance toward the activity room and the main hallway.
second level stair lobby

The upstairs main lobby...the tiles had just been installed.

And that was the end of my Title 2 winter...which included the first month of summer until my replacement (and 2004 w/o) Xuan Ta showed up. A few days after I took the above photos, I was chilling out in New Zealand. But the construction work continued quickly...there was only 2 months left until the conditional occupancy inspection.

Ceiling framing above the B4 stairway
A few days after I left...starting to frame the artistic ceiling above the stairway outside the gym.
Ceiling framing above the B4 stairway
The next step.
Ceiling framing above the B4 stairway
After some more fancy framing and some sheetrock...
Ceiling framing above the B4 stairway
...it was time for some white paint. These last four photos are from Rechelle Parent.

More views of the the completed stairwell and the rest of the place...

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