2004-05 Aerial Photos--late season

The aerial photos on these three pages were taken between 24 and 29 January 2005 by Forest Banks (FB), Bill Henriksen (WNH), and Scot Jackson (SJ). Many of them can be found in the USAP photo library.
the spread
South Pole Station, looking northeast (SJ)
Vostok 800 miles
Swinging around...looking east (FB)
run way
Looking back towards MacTown...the IceCube work area is prominent in the foreground (FB)
holey ice
Directly above the upwind end of the skiway (SJ)
el station ahead
Heading closer to the elevated station (WNH)
homing on home
...and closer... (FB)
siding inspection
Almost close enough to see what's for dinner (WNH)
landing not
No, he didn't fly under the station, really! (WNH)
dome down
On around, over the dome (SJ)
destination zulu?
...and around back (WNH)
before b4
Behind the freshly erected wing B4 (full size) (2mb) (WNH)
loading zone
Around a bit more and further up, the pax terminal is visible in this view (WNH)
stairway to...?
Back on the skiway side. This photo appeared on the Pole intranet home page during the 2005 winter (WNH)
hot corner
Back around again...the windows on the closest corner are the new Station Operations Center (SOC), which will replace the old comms under the dome (WNH)
More views around the station...

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