2004-05 Photos--The New Radome

a dome at Pole--what a concept!
After the weather warmed a bit, mid November saw the start on the new radome for the MARISAT-GOES terminal...the first two panel rings were fabricated in place.
rings around radar
Here the first 2 rings are complete, ready for the next section...(26 November)
activity is picking up
Here goes the preassembled center section. The radome will reduce icing and make maintenance a more comfortable affair (26 November)
rings around the sun
With the radome nearly done (3 December), some sundogs make for an interesting photo.
open door policy
Another view of the main entrance taken at this stage of construction, with the mechanical room next to it.
fans for the dish
Here's a view from just inside the door.
paneling at Pole
Then the top rings were pieced together on the ground...
white rings
into individual rings...
the big top
...and finally into a completed top section ready to lift.
slight accident
But first, the erection site was the setting for a "Mass Casualty Incident" drill on 11 December.
to cap it all off
After that diversion, the top was finally ready to lift into place on 15 December.
top ball
the capper
..and awayyyy.
down easy
...and down easy.
hi there
A closeup...
in the ball park
and an inside view.
closing time
Time to bolt up...

Almust done!
have a ball
A late January aerial shot of the completed radome...
running by
...and my mid-February view from the skiway.
Photos #2-#4 are by Nick Powell from the USAP photo library, the rest are from the common drive.
Next, what about IceCube?

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